Friday, September 25, 2009


This week, I have been really trying to focus on finding what my goals are in this new bodybuilding plan. I am the worlds worst at deciding to do something full force but not sticking to it. As I have grown, I realize the reason I do this is because I start things with out defining my ultimate goal. Defining is the key word there. I will make plans like I want to run, or i think Ill try a half marathon, but not have a real plan in place. I will start off ready to go, but then, about two weeks in, I will fall off of my plan. I think a lot of people are like this. I learned this through out my training for the half marathon. I learned that if I wanted to complete a long term goal, I must keep reminding myself of that ultimate goal but also have "sub goals" as I call it, AND have a tangible reason for doing it. SO...I said at the beginning , I will shift my training to bodybuilding, I will follow a strict diet and achieve the goal of building muscle mass but now it is time to get deeper.

First question: Why?
This is a hard question for me but I have forced myself to narrow down the why's. This is the number one question I have to answer on a daily basis. When I can't have that glass of wine at a function in the middle of the week, or go to dinner and can't eat whats on their menu, why get up and work out when I am clearly tired or sore, why do I want to do this, put my body through this, the list of why's go on and on. There are 2 main reasons for me to do this.
#1: I want to be proud of my body, simply put. I have always been dissatisfied with my body, over recent years, I have found love for exercise, it has helped me keep my body in a more fit form which I have been happy with, I want to take it further. Being fit has given me freedom from having to constantly be insecure about how my body looked. I want to show others that they can do it too. Which brings me to my next reason.
#2. As a trainer and fitness instructor, so many people tell me how frustrated they are because they are killing themselves in the gym 7 days a week, 2x a day but seeing minimal results. My first question is...what's your diet like? The next response is usually filled with loaded excuses( i had a baby, i don't have time to eat healthy, my kids won't eat anything but junk), lies (they will tell me that they eat perfect), or my favorite " I eat 1000 calories or less a day". My response some of you reading this will be able to attest to this, its 80% diet 10% workout, they look at me in disbelief and continue on with their excessive gym habits, and continue to eat as they were and continue to be discouraged with their weight and eventually, they stop working out all together. I will run into them later and they will say " I just got burnt out on the gym, I was tired of working so hard without seeing results! Here is the thing! I KNOW BECAUSE I USED TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So..I want to prove that YES! Diet is 80%!!! I am not trying to send the message that you have to eat a body building diet to look good, or see positive changes but, this will hopefully be real proof for you guys who don't believe that diet is important! Not only diet, but rest and recovery! SO. For now, NO I am not doing this for a competition(the #2 most asked question), however I would not rule it out for a future goal.

My sub goals are goals that I try to meet daily, or weekly, like. Monday, i will work chest and shoulders at X time....blah blah

My weekly goal is to stick with my diet plan to get to my one cheat day!

Thanks for reading you guys! I will put up my stats again on Sunday morning before I begin my cheat day! I am so looking forward that!


1 comment:

kelli massey said...

You are inspiring me to be more diligent in my diet choices. I have faith and confidence that you can do this. You look great!
