Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Here comes the BELLY!!!

Ok, So i though it would be fun to post the changes to my body. Now, you can see by belly expand. Here we go! Its starting to pop out now. I have to wear clothes that fit loose around the midsection, I have had to remove all drawstrings from my workout shorts! I am almost 20 weeks here...


Rachel H.A. said...

You are so stinkin' adorable, Kara!!! I cannot belive that you're growing your own little human in there. Bill & I are really pulling for you guys to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy, so keep on doing such a great job taking care of yourself! Much love! ~RACHIE.

connie said...

You are doing great as far as your weight gain. I only wished I looked good as you do with my first pregnancy back 28 years ago. I miss seeing you before class girl- Connie