Saturday, November 8, 2008

Crazy day at the Pediatritians.

Avery is sick again bless her little heart and her momma's exhausted body and mind! I called her Dr. 's office this morning and spoke with the nurse who wanted me to bring her in. I followed her advice and had Avery there pronto. Walked in, I get her signed in and turn around to notice a sweet girl who comes to some of my aerobics classes, along with a FULL waiting room of coughing, sneezing and sniffling babies and toddlers. I sit down and begin chatting with the girl, she had a little sweet girl named Miley, 18 months. As soon as I sat down Avery wiggles out of my arms in mid conversation and walks up to Miley and grabs her hand. "Avery, I exclaimed, come back over here!" I apologized and she assured me it was fine. Avery wiggles out of my arms again and begins tearing up the magazines, I am trying to keep the magazines away from her when she YELLS at me at the top of her lungs. Horribly embarrissed, I begin to pick her up when she begins to scream again! Oh my gosh! She has never acted up like this before! She continues to get away from me, at one point trying to bite my friends little girl, I chased her all over the waiting room!! Everybody elses children were so quite, picture perfect, sitting on their mommy's lap looking at ME!! I could almost hear them thinking " she can't control her child" It was HORRIBLE!!! Avery would run away I would fetch her and she would SCREAM!!!

THANK GOD they called her back! WHEW! Unfortunatly, my embarressment was not over though. The nurse asks me to strip her down to her diaper, she wiggled so bad that I was having a terrible time getting her clothes off. Then the Dr. came in, this was not her regular doctor so he didn't know her. Thankfully she let him examine her, with out too much drama but then....ohhhhh.... he diagnosed her with croup. He was trying to talk to me to explain how the medication works, when I should give it to her etc...but every time he tried to talk to me, she would scream so loud that he covered his ears!!! I was HORRIFIED!!! "Ms. Mann, I am goi AAAHHHHHHHH, to try this steroi AHHHHHHHHH give it to her AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I tried to set her down on the floor an she would scream,pick her up she screamed, it was awful!! I tried to start dressing her to get her mind off of what was going on and she through a FIT and slapped my hands and grabbed my shirt and squeezed it letting out a GROWL of some sort!" Avery, what has gotten into you i said under my breath(as if she know what i am saying) I turned around and told the Dr." she has never acted this way before"! but he left the ticket on the counter and was out of there before I could even thank him! If this is a glimps into toddlerhood...I'm in for it!!!

BTW. She is doing much better! Now I am sick though! A mother's job is never finished!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is crazy! Hopefully she was just acting up because she wasn't feeling good.