Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cheerio Monster!

Avery is growing  by leaps and bounds! She is crawling EVERYWHERE! Thats right! Say good by to the day where I could leave her in front of a baby Einstein dvd(aka baby crack) and go to the bathroom, or do anything out of her sight! Those days are done!!! She is even pulling herself up on furniture trying to stand. She so desperately wants to become part of the bipedal race! She is eating finger foods LOVES cheerios! She has...7 teeth now and is getting more in. She is truly amazing. She keeps me so busy. I fall in love with her more and more every day!! Her little personality is showing through more and more too! She is very independent. Doesn't want to be fussed over, HATES to have her diaper changed or clothes changed because she doesn't like to be lying down unless she is sleeping! As long as I have some Cheerios on hand, I can usually occupy here enough to get things done! Thank God for Cheerios! LOL!


Donita said...

She has grown so much! She's such a cutie.

Sarah said...

She's so cute! Julia HATES getting her clothes or diaper changed too!! These girls! Hahaha. As for foods, Julia has to have fruit and granola bars. If there is a piece of fruit in a 100 miles of her, she has to have it!