Friday, August 15, 2008

To work or not to work...that is the question.

So I was all about staying home with Avery as much as possible. I really have a whole new respect for stay at home mommas! I am eating my words, there was a time in my early 20's, when motherhood was totally foreign to me, when I worked for a medical office. One of my many jobs was to enter demographics into the computer system. You know when you go to the doctor and you have to fill out those annoying information sheets? Well, don't get too bent about it, just remember someone has to enter all of that information into the computer system and it is a mundane task to say the LEAST!  Anyway, I would get so annoyed with women who put in the occupation section" mom" " home maker" "domestic engineer" so on and so forth! Now, I will be one of those people! I just thought they were sooo lucky! I thought they had it made. Well, in some ways, yes, being a stay at home momma is great! I don't know that its for me though. I love being around Avery so much, dont get me wrong, but I need an outlet! I need to put my knowledge to good use. Now, I do get to teach aerobics, and personal train but I need more. I just graduated from APSU with a BS in Health and Human Performance and I am really itching to put it to use. I have been teaching aerobics at the YMCA but the stagnation of our Y is not my cup of tea, I have to be in a place that nurtures growth, so last week, I put my resume at a facility that is run by a local hospital. It is a brand spankin' new facility that has a cardiac rehab section, a cardiologist on staff, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Personal Trainers, and Group Fitness instructors. Everyone there has a BS degree in exercise science or better. I got a call yesterday and went in for an interview today. I hit it off with the director and was offered a position. Its part time and I am really considering it. That would mean I would need to find child care for Avery for a few hours a week. It's a lot to think about. Its something I really don't think I should or can pass up though! I will be making a decision in the next week, what do you think??? Any thoughts? ~K


Sarah said...

Congrats on getting a job offer! That's pretty awesome! It's hard, because I too, feel like I have all this knowledge that is some how just going to waste as I read Goodnight Moon for the 20th time today. But, I have put a lot of energy into playgroups and meeting with other moms that I feel like I get an outlet that way. As for using my head knowledge, I'm just trusting that with time as Julia gets older all my HR experience will come in handy and I'll feel a little more challenged in that area.

Megan said...

That is great Kara! Sounds like a great opportunity for you - and doing it part time is a great option! I work part time - was sad to go back but love what I do - and actually it makes me appreciate the time I have with my girls even more! So I would encourage you to do what you need to do for your self as well - if you fill fullfilled you will be a better mom. Good luck!

Donita said...

CONGRATS!!! You know the nice thing about this offer is that you can take the job and if you don't like it, you can always go back to your "other" full time job!

Unknown said...

Go for it!!!! You're awesome and having a job that you're passionate and happy about will totally rub off on Avery -- seeing her Mom be fulfilled by helping others is one of the best things you can do!! :)

So excited for you! :)
