Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Do you smell that??

Ugg! Sunday is when it all started. We were at the mall when all of the sudden my mom and I took a couple of whiffs , looked at each other and she said, "do you smell that"???? We got a little closer to Avery in her stroller and both turned green. I rushed her to the bathroom and was not prepared for what I found. She had pooped all over herself, it was no match for the diaper she had on. It had shot out of her legs, up her back, and was all over her stroller. I covered my nose and mouth and gasped as I tried to decide where to start. I stripped her  down, threw away her clothes, and wiped her down from top to bottom with wipes. I replaced her diaper and carried her out of the mall, the stroller was wreaking with the smell of diarrhea, and people were still asking me where her clothes were as i hurried out. I thought it would be pretty obvious what had happened, I guess not, I just kept saying "BIG BLOWOUT" to them.  

Since then, it progressed to puking and pooping. uhhh. I am so grossed out! Every time I turn around, there is poop or puke that needs to be cleaned up. I quit trying to clean myself up. No point! Wish us luck every one!! She is sleeping in my lap now, while I type. Bless her heart, she won't even let me put her to bed, sniff, sniff, uh oh, more pooh. Ewwww!! Gotta go! ~K

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lets talk depression...

If you have been keeping up with my blogs since Avery's arrival, then you may recall the blog I wrote after I brought her home called "the baby boo hoo's" Well, this is a continuation of that blog. Since I have had Avery, I have been SAD. No reason, just sad. I was getting so exhausted covering it up for family, friends, and work. I was trying so hard to get past it! Finally, I came to the realization that I was more than just a little weepy last week when a friend told me she thought I was suffering from post-partum depression. I really resisted the information at first, but she noticed the signs because she also went through it. I thought about it for a while and came to terms with it last week. I had a particularly rough weekend prior, and I was so tired of feeling worthless, empty, and sad. There is no reason for this feeling and I noticed that I wasn't enjoying the things I loved. I called my Dr. and spoked and cried to her nurse as I explained my feelings,  she wanted to see me so I went in. I was very  hesitant to go see  her, I didn't want to feel even worse about myself... but now, I felt much better. I agreed to try to take a low dose of an SSRI (anti-depressant) for a short while. It has been a week now and I already feel so much better. I am not weeping every day, I feel a sense of self-worth again! I am able to enjoy my precious angle more. I felt before that if I went down this route of medication, that I would ultimately have given up and wimped out. I don't feel that way any more. I strongly feel that my decision is the best for not only me but my family as well. Thanks to my friends for encouraging me to get help. Sometimes it takes some one close to you to help you see what's going on right  under your own nose! ~K 

Friday, July 4, 2008

Injury free..for the most part~

What a week! So I went to the worst podiatrist about my ankle! He was HORRIBLE. Told me I needed orthotics but"you couldn't afford them" is what he said! It was worse but ill spare you the details, bottom line, don't ever go to William Lambert! Ok?? OK! 

Other than a run in with a horrible Dr. My week has been good! My ankle is getting better. I ran...Lets see, 7.5 Sunday, 3 monday, 3 tuesday, wednesday..just taught my aerobics classes, thursday Ugg, THURSDAY KICKED MY BUTT. I ran 3 with H and Avery ( H pushed !) THen taught an aerobics class for a friend who was out of town, then the aerobics instructor for the kickboxing class right after didn't show so guess who had to teach it..yep you guessed it. That wouldn't have been a big deal but I had a RACE the next day(3.1)! Needless to say, my race was terrible! I had severe hamstring pain since they were  sore to begin with, and I just didn't have a full tank! No biggie, I was upset at the end of the race ( cried a little. Sorry Jami!) But ya win some ya loose some! ;-) 

Having said that, I will not race again until October. I need a break to re evaluate my 5k goals, I used to love running 5k's. Now i feel tons of pressure to do a competitive time! I am not having fun with it like I used to. I am going to continue training and keep my head up! So to tally mileage this week.... 20.6 miles( including my warm up mile pre-5k race), not bad! 

Happy 4th btw! I ate like 4 of those yummy cookies with icing! MMMM! ~K