Thursday, August 23, 2007

Only Happy Thoughts Please!

Whats with women over the age of 50 feeling like they have to tell you the worst pregnancy stories when a person is pregnant?? At first I just let it slide. The number 1 thing I was bombarded with was " I only gained 9 lbs when I was pregnant" Or " don't forget, you don't want to gain too much weight, when I was pregnant I only gained....." UGGG!! Alright already! I realize I am laying on the lbs! Ive gained 14 lbs, I'm 6 months preggers, my Dr is cool with it OK??? Trust me, I know how much I've gained in more detail than you do... I see myself naked!!!! LOL!

That died off after around 18 weeks and the horror delivery stories began. "I was in labor for 25 hours and no epidural or any pain medication" " I pushed for a straight 10 hours until i passed out" I have heard every terrible scenario you could possibly imagine!!!! Oh this is my favorite " I had a C-Section and the epidural didn't work so I had to endure ALL of the pain!!!" THEN Its "you should have your baby natural, epidurals are selfish" WHAT?? Just today a person who shall remain nameless told me (age 62, I might note) ," you make sure you feel that baby move every hour, my friend gave birth to a still born just 3 years ago and there was no apparent reason" WHY WOULD YOU TELL A PREGNANT PERSON THAT???? I came home and whipped out my fetal monitor ( i got from and feverishly searched for her heart beat then I counted to make sure it was fast enough, adn then I checked again! 140 BPM WHEW!!! Then I cried my eyes out! As if pregnancy isn't worrisome enough! PLEASE!! Stop with the stories people! I have made the conscious decision today that I will not listen to anymore of it! Only happy thoughts please!!!

OK! Sorry.... I really got a lot out there!! Anybody else experience this or am I the only lucky one??? ~K


Rachel H.A. said...

Oh, you poor sweet girl! Some people can be so brainless!!!!! Next time an idiot is giving you idiot babble - just smile and tune them out. While they're talking hear them saying, "little toes, tiny little fingers, peach fuzz hair that always smells like fresh linens... little drool dripping from tiny pink lips... belches and burps and baby laughs..." by this time the idiot will probably wonder why you're smiling. You can say, "Oh, I'm sorry. My mind was just wandering again thinking about how happy I am to be expecting a baby. Sorry. Gotta go! So many fun things to get ready for..."
~Happy thoughts make happy babies~ so SCREW THE CRABBY OLD LADIES!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean. People are nuts! I've had two children already and people told me the same thing with both of mine. I was thinking, do they not remember the stresses associated with prenancy already? or are they just straight up bitches? Probably the second holds true!
I can tell you that the much needed epidural worked perfectly with both of my prior prenancies and I have two very healthy children, no still births! Plus, doctors don't know why babies are stillborn; that is in God's hands which means it's out of your control and no reason to even let that thought enter your mind.

And don't even get me started on the epidural showing selfishness! What a stupid comment. Selfish is that idiot telling you that in the first place. I think the next time you need to respond with a swift kick to the groan area!

You are going to be fine and this baby is going to be wonderful! You are a healthy young woman with a good head on your shoulders. Don't listen to the BS from people that are too stupid to know any better. Let them wallow in their self pity by themselves!

Shelly said...

You know I had the same thing happen to me both times I was preggers... but when they are doing all of that crap think back to my pregnancies... I gained 30 lbs with both children... but guess what I lost it and so will you... and my deliveries were a piece of cake (the drugs they give you are amaizing)You will be fine and your baby will be fine.... The fears you feel are normal but the next time that one of those people start with one of their horror stories just politely ask them to keep it to themselves and ask them to think about how you must feel. Stand up for yourself and your feelings... I love you - Michelle

Sarah said...

Oh man, I feel your pain. I had an appointment Monday and before I went one of my co-workers asked me "So is your baby's head downward?" I was like "Dunno, why?" She said "Oh my God, you better make sure your baby isn't breeched". I start freaking out. I got to my doctor and literally the first thing I said was "Is my baby breeched?!?" She laughed and told me it didn't matter how she's positioned till 36 weeks. Whew.

Ohhh... and the best is counting kicks. Everyone under the sun wants to know how many kicks she's had and how often. When I tell people she gets really active for a good 20 minutes and then stops, they're all like "Oh that's not good. You need to be able to feel her all the time." And then the stories of still borns!! Hello, not what I want to hear. Or the premature baby stories. Yeah, don't go there!

My doctor's really good about relieving any stress. On Monday baby's heart beat was 132 BMP. It's been at 140 the last few times... anyways, I was all like "Is that okay, why is it down, what's going on?!" My doctor had to just laugh and say "Um, Sarah, as the baby gets bigger the BPM are less. Remember your first ultrasound at 6 weeks, yeah, it was 160 BMP then..."

Just hang in there. Everything is okay, promise. And maybe you could buy some ear plugs! :)