Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spirited Personality!

Avery is certainly showing her quick tempered side these days! The last few days have been rough so, after seeing her interact with others in the nursery in a poor mannor, she usually loves being around her friends in the nursery, I decided to take her to to the pediatrician to get her checked out. The way I see it is, if she is just needing tough love then I can give her that,but I want to be sure she is not in pain, or sick..I also am struggling with how to discipline her at such a young age. She is clearly needing boundaries from us but she doesn't respond to many things I have tried. The only thing that works is ignoring her...The pediatrician was great, I love the group that she sees, we spoke at length about these concerns and he reassured me that I am doing the right things. Turns out, she did have a double ear infection and a big glob of wax creating pressure in her ear canal! WHEW. Here is some video of her dramatic self...these are quite mild but you can get the idea! Enjoy!! ;-)

1 comment:

Donita said...

What a cutie. Amelia is "spirited" too! Maybe we need to get them together and let them temper out!