10 random things about muah...
1.)I love sweet things, I love salty things but not together! Seriously! I will GAG if someone gives me cottage cheese with fruit or a salad with fruit in it!! ( I can handle strawberries in a salad but i pick them out first)
2.)I am WORTHLESS after 8pm, and clear as day at 4am.
3.)I use to run around with my parents underware on my head...Yeah..I know.
4.) I get annoyed when it's a rainey day and the sun comes out at the end of the day. I am in a rainey day mood, I don't like to transition into a sunny day mood that late!!
5.) Use to have a big gap in my front two teeth.
6.) Loves the smell of carbon copy papers
7.) HATES to wear a bathing suit!
8.) I have this re-occuring nightmare that I have had since I was really young of a tornato that is after me, I see it comming, I can't get away, then it goes over and comes back, I can't get away from it until I wake up!! I only dream of this when something stressful is going on in my life.
9.) I am extreamy determined, my parents called me stubborn, I say determined!!
10.) I used to be a gymnist. I was OK, competed and stuff, when I was young.
I'm tagging Megan and Stacey Kizer!